It is important to acknowledge the developers that created the
spellchecker for the Mozilla Thunderbird... if it
wasn't for them SpellBound wouldn't have been possible.
Each release of SpellBound is updated with the spellchecking code in
the latest release of the Mozilla Suite / Thunderbird as well so that
features and bugfixes made to the spellchecker are also ported to
SpellBound. Many thank you's also go out to
Stefan Eskelid for maintaining the dictionaries at
which are used by the Mozilla Suite, Thunderbird,
and Spellbound as well as to Frank DiLecce (Ausdilecce) who gave me
permission to use the code for inline spellchecking from his
Thunderbird In-Line Spellchecker extension. This and other extensions
by Ausdilecce can be found at
Major releases (e.g. all milestones have been completed) are denoted by incrementing the 1st digit (e.g. X.0.0), feature releases which may also include bug fixes are denoted by incrementing the 2nd digit (e.g. 0.X.0), and bug fix only releases are denoted by incrementing the 3rd digit (e.g. 0.0.X). If you would like to discuss the logic of this I am sure there are people at the MozillaZine Forums that will be more than happy to oblige.
Major releases (e.g. all milestones have been completed) are denoted by incrementing the 1st digit (e.g. X.0.0), feature releases which may also include bug fixes are denoted by incrementing the 2nd digit (e.g. 0.X.0), and bug fix only releases are denoted by incrementing the 3rd digit (e.g. 0.0.X). If you would like to discuss the logic of this I am sure there are people at the MozillaZine Forums that will be more than happy to oblige.

Removed 3rd party optimiized build libraries (Jul. 30, 2005)
- Added libraries from the Thunderbird 1.0.6 Release, 1.1a2 Release, and the 20050727 nightly build.
Removed 3rd party optimiized build libraries (Jul. 16, 2005)
- I just don't have the time to maintain these packages and with the pending Firefox 1.0.6 release and the Deer Park Alpha 2 release this reduces the packages I have to create by six.
Updated web site (May. 12, 2005)
I added a couple of different words for signifying a re-install to
the contact and index pages... I am sure if I have missed other
potential interpretations I will receive an email about them.
In other news I have been focusing on fixing Firefox bugs instead of SpellBound for the last couple of weeks.
Updated libraries (Apr. 15, 2005)
- Added back the download page and new pages for web integration along with a new scripted install which was a major PITA. Also, packaged Trunk libraries for Win32 and Linux instead of linking to the ones available from the Mozilla Foundation. The next release should be soon as long as I am able to free up the time.
New Libraries (Apr. 9, 2005)
- Added spell check libraries for OS/2 Trunk - thanks to Philip Griffin-Allwood, Mac OS X Trunk - thanks to Michael Medina, and Linux AMD 64 1.0.1 Release - thanks to Joel Wiramu Pauling.
- I'm still busy finishing up a rewrite of the spellbound code and hope to be able to release it shortly but shortly is a relative term when coding.
Addendum to Version 0.7.3 (Feb. 18, 2005)
- Firefox 1.0 release Win32 and Linux only... words saved to the personal dictionary were not retained after restarting Firefox. This was due to my linking to the spell check libraries for the Mozilla Suite and has been fixed by repackaging the spell check libraries from the Thunderbird 1.0 release. These libraries are now available on the Install page.
Addendum to Version 0.7.3 (Jan. 22, 2005)
- Due to auto update not working for some users I changed the minVersion of the update rdf to 0.9 which appears to resolve this problem. I believe this may be caused by people modifying app.extensions.version to 0.9 so at least until 1.1 is released the SpellBound update rdf will be set to 0.9 for the minVersion.
Addendum to Version 0.7.3 (Jan. 19, 2005)
- Added support for Firefox Win32 and Linux Trunk builds... Mac OS X support should be available by no later than the end of January. Auto update has been configured for 0.7.3 which was released on Jan. 10th. Also, the SpellBound Components for all OS's except for Mac OS X have been updated to the Thunderbird 1.0 release spell checking libraries... once again, updates to the components for Mac OS X should be available by no later than the end of January. Late edition... added support for FreeBSD with the spell checking libraries compiled and contributed by Mark Magiera.
- Updated the web site and scripts for Firefox Trunk support. Changed the methods used to validate that a browser is configured properly so if people link back to the Installation page they won't bypass the browser validation process.
Version 0.7.3 (Jan. 10, 2005)
- This is a bugfix release... I expect a full release to be made available by no later than the end of January 2005.
- Fixed a regression which prevented other extensions from being able to pass an editor element for spell checking.
- Under certain conditions SpellBound was unable to detect whether an editor element existed due to there not being a defaultView.frameElement in the DOM. The 0.7.3 release has a workaround for this and the 0.8.0 release will include the final fix for this issue.
Version 0.7.2 (Jan. 2, 2005)
- This is a bugfix release and will not be auto updated due to there being another release coming out soon.
- Fixed a bug where the SpellBound Toolbar button has a different toolbar image under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug when checking a selection of text. If the first character was also the first character in the element all of the text in the element is replaced when completing the spell checked.
- Fixed a bug where Download More to download additional dictionaries didn't work. This was due to an oversight and some major code changes in the last release.
Version 0.7.1 (Nov. 30, 2004)
- Made a minor change to the location of the SpellBound icon in the Mozilla Suite.
- Changed the minVersion in the install.rdf from 1.0 to 0.9 so that SpellBound will install with Trunk builds.
Version 0.7.0 (Nov. 29, 2004)
- Now that many of the issues regarding extensions that include locales have been addressed I have included all 50 of the language packs into the SpellBound extension itself.
- Fixed a bug when spell checking e-mail with quotes that caused a serious memory issue when performing a spelling recheck.
- Fixed the context menu icon when using SpellBound with certain themes.
- Added support for the Mozilla Suite. I will not be adding support for Firefox on the trunk until the trunk stabilizes for Firefox. This is due to the spellcheck libraries being different on the trunk and I will hopefully come up with a decent solution soon where the install won't cause confusion for users of the Firefox 1.0 release.
- Added support for only checking the selected text in textarea and input elements. Support for selection checking of rich text forms and editor elements might be added in a future release if I receive enough requests to add this capability for those elements.
- Added option to display the spellchecker as a non modal dialog by setting the spellbound.spellchecker.modal hidden pref to false in about:config. I am not planning on exposing this option in the options dialog due to the requirement to localize the strings and that there have been very few requests for this feature. If you modify any of the text in the control that is being spell checked when checking a text selection the output will more than likely be incorrect. Though this feature appears to work fine without any harmful side affects I have not tested it thoroughly so you may experience issues if you choose to use it.
- Added the option to display a "Check Spelling" menu item in the Tools menu by setting the spellbound.toolsmenuitem.hidden hidden pref to false in about:config. I am not planning on exposing this option in the options dialog due to the requirement to localize the strings and that there have been very few requests for this feature.
- Added a possible workaround / hack for Bug ID 174320 - When an event handler removes itself the next handler is skipped. One clear sign when SpellBound is affected by this bug is that "Check Spelling" does not appear in the context menu.
- Created Firefox 1.0 Release packages for the SpellBound components that allow their installation into the profile directory. This has only recently been made possible by a couple of Extension Manager bugs being fixed (e.g. Bug ID 252543).
- Elements that have a readonly attribute can no longer be spell checked.
- Fixed a bug with the locale build script for a couple of languages that caused one of the strings in the preference dialog to be displayed as u-escaped instead of utf8.
- Fixed a minor issue with flickering when clicking the editor.
- Added detection for editor elements when launching SpellBound with extensions that do not have code to use SpellBound. This removes the editor from the spell check dialog when it is not needed since there is already an editor that it is able to use.
- Added two new methods for extensions to use SpellBound. The first uses html for input and the innerHTML from the body of the editor for the output. The second uses plain text for the input and output which is similar to the spellbound_useText method. Both of these new methods have the ability to specify style information in the head element of the editor. See the Developers section for more information.
- SpellBound now uses the head of rich text editors (e.g. wysiwyg, midas, etc.) so the spell check editor is styled in the same manner as the original.
- Added blank.html to work around a new security feature that prevents linking of images, etc. when the source for the editor is about:blank.
- Modified SpellBound so it would display a "friendly name" in the keyconfig extension.
- Updated the libraries and components with the ones available from the Thunderbird 0.9.0 release.
- Added support for OS/2.
- Added a resizer to the spell check dialog when it is possible to resize it.
- Added six language packs (Afrikaans, Farsi, Sotho Northern, Swedish, Portuguese/Brazil, and Urdu).
- Lots of cleaning and tightening up of the code... I threw everything together so quickly that it really needed it. Everything that is in the global space is as unique as can be now. I have always tried to keep SpellBound from ever displaying javascript warnings and errors in the javascript console so if you find any I would appreciate hearing about the error and what you were doing when it happened. This also includes strict javascript warning messages.
- Created a new dictionary package for Welsh (Wales) and sent it to Stefan Eskelid (maintainer of
- Added back the Bulgarian Dictionary (the dictionary is now fixed - see Bug ID 256292 for more information).
- Created new dictionary packages for Zulu (South Africa) and Afrikaans (South Africa) / updated the Bulgarian, Catalan, Spanish (Spain), Hungarian, Italian, and Russian dictionaries from existing dictionaries and provided them to Stefan Eskelid (maintainer of who promptly added them. Thank you Stefan for all of your efforts!
- Removed the option to install the Finnish dictionary since it is no longer available from I expect this is due to a licensing issue with the dictionary.
- Major changes to the web installer script that will hopefully resolve issues with people being confused about the new Firefox whitelist feature.
- Updated the web site for the Mozilla Suite and performed a ton of cleanup on the XHTML/HTML... now those that use 800x600 can see the style switcher and SourceForge button below the navigation... whoopeee *sarcasm intended*. The site is now serving application/xhtml+xml to those browsers that support it... things are coming together nicely for a SpellBound 1.0 release. Removed all of the pages on and redirected them to for the sake of simplicity.
Version 0.6.0 (Aug. 15, 2004)
- Added controls to the options dialog for all of SpellBound's configurable preferences.
- Added support for web pages that contain a rich text editor (e.g. LiveJournal, Mozilla Midas demo, etc).
- Added a toolbar button with enabled / disabled state for web forms and elements in extensions.
- Added cut, copy, paste, and delete to the editor context menu and the associated keybindings.
- Added underline images for all possible text colors.
- Improved support for extension developers... added dynamic creation of spellbound as a component for easy detection that it is available.
- Added localization for the new controls of all 43 current languages.
- Added libraries for Windows MMX, SSE, and SSE2 optimized builds by using MOOX's Firefox and Thunderbird builds. Thanks MOOX!
- Provided code to the QuickNote extension author Jed Brown for it to utilize SpellBound.
- Created the template code for extension developers to add spell checking support to their own extensions and added it the Extension Developer page.
- Fixed a file permissions issue on Linux (see Bug ID 189905 for more information).
- Fixed a bug with Firefox crashing if text was not selected after editing the personal dictionary.
- Fixed a bug with the way the Catalan language pack contents.rdf file was created.
- Added updateURL to all of the language packs... silly me forgot to add them the first time around. Sorry.
- Updated automation scripts to use 7-Zip and to set the appropriate permissions on all files.
- Updated the update rdf's to support the 0.10.0 release of Firefox.
Version 0.3.4 - 0.5.9 (Aug. 2004)
- Numerous development versions including a premature release of the language packs due to the requirement of an additional string.
- Discovered a bug in the Mozilla myspell libraries (see Bug ID 252681).
Version 0.3.3 (Jul. 2004)
- Many many many thanks go out to Frank DiLecce (Ausdilecce) for giving me permission to use his code from the Thunderbird In-Line Spellchecker 0.4.1... This and other extensions by Ausdilecce can be found at
In-line spell checking as you type. Currently the
settings for this are only available through about:config
and will be added to Options in the future. The settings I
believe are self-explanatory and are as follows:
spellbound.editor.misspelled.enabled type:boolean default:true desc:turns inline spell checking on and off.
spellbound.editor.misspelled.color type:string default:#ff0000 desc:color for misspelled words.
spellbound.editor.misspelled.imageUnderline type:boolean default:true desc:underlines misspelled words with a squiggly image.
spellbound.editor.misspelled.backgroundColor type:string default:(empty string) desc:color of the background for misspelled words.
spellbound.editor.misspelled.fontWeight type:string default:normal desc:font weight (e.g. normal, bold, etc.) for misspelled words. - Added text decoration of misspelled words (e.g. underlined with a squiggly red image, weight, color).
- Changed the keybinding for SpellBound from accel+shift+k to accel+shift+VK_F7 due to adblock already using the previous one.
- Added the spellcheck libraries for Linux and Mac OS X to the SpellBound library install package.
- Removed the option to install the Bulgarian dictionary from this web page due to it causing a crash when it is selected in the spellchecker. This also occurs with the Mozilla Suite and Thunderbird 7.2... hence, it is not a problem with SpellBound but the dictionary itself. Since it should not cause a crash even if the dictionary file is improperly formatted I filed Bug ID 256292.
Version 0.3.2 (Jul. 2004)
- Development build not meant for public consumption in which the majority of the features of 0.3.3 were tested.
Version 0.3.1 (Jul. 2004)
- Found a home for SpellBound on
- Added automatic updates (e.g. added updateURL to the install.rdf) for the extension.
- Fixed an interoperability problem in SpellBound with the Add Bookmark Here extension (e.g. Ook) by Stephen Clavering... I really do like Ook.
Version 0.3.0 (Jul. 2004)
- Initial release for public consumption.
Copyright © 2004-2005 Robert Strong All rights reserved
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