The methods used by extensions is being updated for the next release as follows. The spellBound_useNode function is the only one that I know of being used by another extension and is for all practical purposes frozen whereas the other methods have been changed to provide additional functionality and to simplify the code to support it. The following code is pretty straightforward and has already been used by the QuickNote extension to provide spell checking. It is best to use the spellBound_useNode or spellBound_useNodeArray functions in most cases since that is essentially the same mehod that is used when launched under normal circumstances. Also, you can check the spellbound.spellcheck.modal preference if you would like to respect the user's settings on whether the dialog should be displayed modally when using the spellBound_useNode, spellBound_useNodeArray or spellbound_useEditor functions. If the pref is true or non-existant use the modal parameter and if it is false just omit the modal parameter. If you have any questions / comments / suggestions don't hesitate to contact me by using the Contact form.
//Extension onload function
function Ext_OnLoad() {

function setupSpellBound() {
  // determine if spellbound is available
  // if not do nothing.
  if (typeof(Components.
    classes[";1"]) != "undefined") {
    // define the commandset, menu, and
    // keyset to use with spellbound
    const commandset_id = "ext_commands";
    const keyset_id = "ext_keys";
    const menu_id = "ext_menu";

    // append spellbound command to existing commandset
    var parent = document.getElementById(commandset_id);
    var elem = document.createElement("command");
    // you can pass a node such as a textbox,
    // textarea, input, editor, iframe in designMode, etc.
    // or you can pass an array of nodes
    //elem.setAttribute("oncommand", "spellBound_useNodeArray();");
    // or you can pass an array of HTML and text with style information
    //elem.setAttribute("oncommand", "spellBound_useTextArray();");
    // or if you want to check an editor element
    //elem.setAttribute("oncommand", "spellBound_useEditor();");

    // append spellbound stringbundle to
    // the parent of commandset
    elem = document.createElement("stringbundle");
    var sb = document.getElementById("sb_ExtSpellBound");

    // append spellbound key to existing keyset
    parent = document.getElementById(keyset_id);
    elem = document.createElement("key");
    // the keycode may conflict with an accesskey for your
    // extension and may change per locale

    // append spellbound menuseparator to existing menu
    parent = document.getElementById(menu_id);
    elem = document.createElement("menuseparator");

    // append spellbound menuitem to existing menu
    elem = document.createElement("menuitem");
    // the accesskey may conflict with an accesskey for
    // your extension and may change per locale

function spellBound_useNode() {
  var node = document.getElementById("nodeId");
  var args = [];
  args[0] = node;

  var params = "chrome,close,titlebar,modal";
  var pref = Components.classes[";1"]

  try {
    if (pref.getBoolPref("spellbound.spellcheck.modal") == false);
      params = "chrome,close,titlebar";
  } catch (e) { }

    "_blank", params, falsefalsetrue, args);

function spellBound_useNodeArray() {
  var node0 = document.getElementById("nodeId1");
  var node1 = document.getElementById("nodeId2");
  var args = [];
  var nodes = [];
  args[0] = nodes;

  var params = "chrome,close,titlebar,modal";
  var pref = Components.classes[";1"]

  try {
    if (pref.getBoolPref("spellbound.spellcheck.modal") == false);
      params = "chrome,close,titlebar";
  } catch (e) { }

    "_blank", params, falsefalsetrue, args);

// helper function for spellBound_useTextArray
function spellBound_params(sType, sBody, sHead) {
  this.__type = sType;  // must equal text/plain or text/html
  this.__body = sBody;  // text or html to spellcheck
  this.__head = sHead;  // this can be null
  this.__retval = null// this will be the return value...
                        // if nothing was modified this will be null

function spellBound_useTextArray() {
  var node0 = document.getElementById("nodeId1");
  var node1 = document.getElementById("nodeId2");
  var node2 = document.getElementById("nodeId3");
  var args = [];

  // span[_moz_misspelled='true'] only applies to text/plain and the
  // user's settings will be used unless they are supplied as shown below
  var style0 = "<style type='text/css'>\n" +
               "body { background-color:#000080; color:#ffffff; }\n" +
               "span[_moz_misspelled='true'] { color:#ff0000;\n" +
               "background:#000000 " +
               "url(chrome://spellbound/skin/underlines/ff0000.gif; }\n" +

  var style1 = "<style type='text/css'>\n" +
               "body { background-color:#000080; color:#ffffff; }\n" +

  args.push(new spellBound_params("text/plain", node0.value, style0);
  args.push(new spellBound_params("text/html", node1.innerHTML, style1);
  args.push(new spellBound_params("text/plain", node2.value, null);

  // modal must be used when using spellBound_useTextArray
    falsefalsetrue, args);

  // if __retval is null then the output is the same as the input
  if (args[0].__retval)
    node0.value = args[0].__retval;

  // in some cases you may need to use createElement etc. instead of innerHTML
  if (args[1].__retval)
    node1.innerHTML = args[1].__retval;

  if (args[2].__retval)
    node2.value = args[2].__retval;

function spellBound_useEditor() {
  var params = "chrome,close,titlebar,modal";
  var pref = Components.classes[";1"]

  try {
    if (pref.getBoolPref("spellbound.spellcheck.modal") == false);
      params = "chrome,close,titlebar";
  } catch (e) { }

    "_blank", params, falsefalsetrue);

Misspelled word underline colors

The following hex colors can be used when specifying the background-image for the underlining of misspelledwhen using the spellbound_useTextArray function above with __type set to text/plain. Just remove the # and make sure it is all in lowercase. It is not possible to specify an underline image when using any of the other functions since underlines are not displayed when checking HTML and the other methods use the user defined preferences.
#ffffff, #ffcccc, #ffcc99, #ffff99, #ffffcc,
#99ff99, #99ffff, #ccccff, #ccffff, #ffccff,
#cccccc, #ff6666, #ff9966, #ffff66, #ffff33,
#66ff99, #33ffff, #66ffff, #9999ff, #ff99ff,
#c0c0c0, #ff0000, #ff9900, #ffcc66, #ffff00,
#33ff33, #66cccc, #33ccff, #6666cc, #cc66cc,
#999999, #cc0000, #ff6600, #ffcc33, #ffcc00,
#33cc00, #00cccc, #3366ff, #6633ff, #cc33cc,
#666666, #990000, #cc6600, #cc9933, #999900,
#009900, #339999, #33ffff, #6600cc, #993399,
#333333, #660000, #993300, #996633, #666600,
#006600, #336666, #000099, #333399, #663366,
#000000, #330000, #663300, #663333, #333300,
#003300, #003333, #000066, #330099, #330033
Copyright © 2004-2005 Robert Strong All rights reserved
Valid XHTML 1.1 served as text/html - Page Last Updated: Apr. 16, 2005